We are european importers 2025 of the new life drink
Daddy Showkey
is good for your body and you can mix it with any alcoholic beverage.
Ask for it in our store.

About us
Vieni a trovarci, siamo a Novara
Come by our store and whatever you need from Nigeria we can provide it for you

A few things we’re great at
Check all the things we can do for you

Food and drink from Nigeria
We are in Italy. Visit our store in Novara.

Buy your ticket here
Bus or flight. Ask us. We can make you save money.

We transfer your money
Try us! Best transfer fees and best rate.
Your hair
Best hais available
Visit our store to check and buy the best hair in the market.
Our products from Africa
Directly from our Nigerian supplier
We choose from our best supplier the best food and we guarantee the best price..

Check our Mini Market
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Contact us
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